Ethnicity(Required) Please select... White - British White - Irish White - Other Mixed - White and Black Caribbean Mixed - White and Black African Any other mixed* Asian or Asian British - Indian Asian or Asian British - Pakistani Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi Any other Asian background* Black or Black British - Caribbean Black or Black British - African Any other Black background* Chinese or other Ethnic - Chinese Chinese or other Ethnic - Vietnamese Any other Ethnic group* Decline to provide
Profession(Required) Please select... Allied Health Professional (AHP) – Occupational Therapy/Physiotherapy/Speech and Language Therapy Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Consultant Educational Psychologist GP Health Visitor ISEND Nursery Teacher Paediatrician Psychiatrist School Nurse School Teacher SENCO Social Worker Other
Please see Section 9 to upload the relevant documents.
Please see Section 9 to upload the relevant documents.
Does the child have any sensory difficulties impacting on their function? If yes then we require evidence of three functional difficulties caused by sensory difficulties in order for this referral to meet the CITES service criteria.
Does the child/young person have any sensory difficulties that affect their ability to complete daily tasks? Please provide details For example, brushing teeth or hair/using a bath or shower/dressing or undressing/managing toileting.
Has the child/young person had support from CAMHS – Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service or FISS – Family Intensive Support Service or Positive Behavioural Support Team (PBS Children's Services)? Referrer to provide details.
Any further information you feel may be relevant For example, other occupants who have medical conditions.
Documents Please upload mandatory information.
Occupational Therapy
Zones of regulation record sheets – mandatory for schools referring in for sensory processing difficulties and/or emotional regulation difficulties
Speech and Language Therapy
Speech link assessment and intervention – mandatory for schools referring in for speech sound referrals
Language link assessment and intervention – mandatory for schools referring in for language referrals
Please upload additional information
If you have any of the following non-mandatory documents, please upload them.
Schedule of Growing Skills (SOGS) or Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ)
Language checker
Paediatricians report
Other Information which you wish to include, for example, supporting photographs of presenting complaint.
Once submitted to Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust, the referral will be discussed with the relevant service(s) and the outcome will be shared with the referrer and parent / carer.