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FOI requests for April 2024

2024.018 shared service data (485.09kb) Download
2024.017 medical devices (444.91kb) Download
2024.016 AHP and Medic Job Planning (652.80kb) Download
2024.014 Elective Treatment Waiting Times (646.81kb) Download
2024.013 waiting times (405.68kb) Download
2024.012 off framework agency use (442.97kb) Download
2024.011 master and neutral vendor arrangements (398.84kb) Download
2024.010 selective mutism pathway (542.21kb) Download
2024.008 NHS agency workers (436.44kb) Download
2024.007 maintenance systems (438.23kb) Download
2024.005 settlement agreements (416.74kb) Download
2024.001 computer aided facilities management software (407.75kb) Download
2024.003 private maternity services (407.06kb) Download
2024.045 Hospital Treatments for Abortion Complications (652.96kb) Download
2024.038 Stonewall Funding (672.78kb) Download
2024.037 Agency Nurses (652.61kb) Download
2024.036 Spend on Office Supplies (705.03kb) Download
2024.034 Job Roles (700.65kb) Download
2024.033 Job Titles and Responsibilities (698.22kb) Download
2024.032 West View Hospital (690.33kb) Download
2024.028 Planned Care and Follow-Up Appointments (697.35kb) Download
2024.026 treatment of cancer (389.96kb) Download
2024.025 Obstetrics Staffing (657.00kb) Download
2024.023 Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) referrals (428.96kb) Download
2024.022 Committee Meeting Technology (669.79kb) Download
2024.020 Robotic Process Automation (733.77kb) Download
2024.019 medical informatic systems (402.77kb) Download
2024.506 Specialist Service for Long-Covid Patients (662.22kb) Download
2024.501 scope of nursing associates (18.65mb) Download
2024.505 Incidents of Racism and Racist Abuse (703.67kb) Download
2024.503 estates and facilities management software (435.61kb) Download
2024.499 property maintenance and servicing spend (415.31kb) Download
2024.496 operating theatre technology (415.36kb) Download
2024.493 ADHD and ASD Assessments (665.66kb) Download
2024.492 cyber security (409.56kb) Download
2024.486 autism waiting times (430.09kb) Download
2024.484 Endoscopes and Nasendoscopes (677.34kb) Download
2024.482 payroll, hr and finance solutions (473.30kb) Download