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Published: 26 April 2023

We need public governors

Our Council of Governors represents the interests of the public, giving local people, patients, staff and partners greater opportunity to be involved in the development of community services.

We have vacancies for our public governor role for Swale and Gravesham. Governors are elected by trust members. Elections are open to anyone aged 16 or over in Swale and no matter what your background, anyone can stand for election.

You don’t need to be an expert in how the NHS works, you just need to have a passion to help support and improve the services in your community.

As a governor, you will be expected to attend four meetings per year. There are lots of other ways to get involved and engage with your constituents, but the amount of time you spend on the role is up to you.

Our governors also have a role in holding our board of directors to account on behalf of the public. Governors approve the appointment or removal of the trust’s chair and non-executive directors, as well as approving the appointment of the chief executive and deciding their salary.

If you are interested in standing for election, you must join as a member first.

Once you become a member you will be sent information about how to stand for election as a governor. By becoming a member, you will also get access to NHS discounts in high street stores, restaurants and attractions through a Blue Light Card.

If you are interested in joining as a member or standing for election and would like more information, contact Joy Fuller, KCHFT Governor Lead on: 07468 700220 or

Find out about the role and our public governors.