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Published: 29 October 2024

Sevenoaks hospital – keeping services safe

Since the decision to pause fire safety works on the Sevenoaks Hospital inpatient building, work has been continuing to move the remaining services to other buildings on the Sevenoaks site.

UPDATED: 3 February 2025

These services have now successfully moved from the old building into the outpatients department (OPD):

  • District nursing
  • Diabetic eye screening
  • Paediatric audiology – however, there is still some limited need to use the audiology booth in the main building.

Bookable clinic rooms used by falls, community paediatrics, continence nurses, NHS Health Checks, heart failure and long Covid clinics are no longer in the old building and all of these services now use new bookable space in Darent House.

Lymphoedema clinics have moved from the OPD and are now provided in Darent House, on the same site.

The urgent treatment centre (UTC) will shortly move from the old building, to Darent House. We are working with Medway Community Healthcare to support the move of its dental and x-ray services to Darent House.

Kent and Medway Social Care NHS Partnership Trust teams will be moving some mental health services from Darent House to the outpatients building.


Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust (KCHFT) Deputy Chief Executive Pauline Butterworth said: “Firstly, I’d like to pay tribute to our colleagues who work tirelessly to put patients first. This is a complex piece of work and we are working hard to minimise disruption for everyone who is impacted.

“On Tuesday (22 October), Kent Fire and Rescue Service returned to inspect the sites and was reassured with the progress and actions we have taken and the plans we have in place.

“We take the safety of our patients, public and staff extremely seriously. I’d like to stress that – other than the inpatient beds which have temporarily moved to West View Integrated Care Centre in Tenterden – all other services are moving to either the outpatient building or Darent House on the Sevenoaks Hospital site.

“Our aim is to have all the moves complete by early next year and we will keep people updated so people understand where they need to attend for an appointment.”

Following a planned fire evacuation exercise earlier this year, KCHFT made urgent temporary changes to move inpatient rehabilitation beds from Sevenoaks Hospital to other sites, due to a fire safety risk.

A full-scale review of the work needed to make the 100-year-old building safe to return for both patients, staff and volunteers was completed. The cost is in the region of £6million for the fire safety work and the maintenance – exceeding the funds available, at a time of unprecedented financial challenge across the NHS.

KCHFT therefore reluctantly took the decision to pause investment, until a county-wide review of community rehabilitation can be completed. This will be led by NHS Kent and Medway Integrated Care Board.

During the pause, KCHFT is focusing on improving its out of hospital services and is committed to delivering the very best care for the people of Sevenoaks and west Kent.


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