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Published: 20 September 2024

Alan's wheelchair whizz for Westbrook House

Alan and wife Jan

Alan with his wife, Jan

It was just three months ago that 68-year-old Alan Stewart’s life took a dramatic turn, when he suffered two major strokes in quick succession and everything he knew was turned upside down.

The former DIY company manager from Margate stayed in hospital for two weeks before being transferred to our Westbrook House Stroke Rehabilitation Unit.

Within five weeks his condition had improved so much, he was able to go home. Alan had gone from being unable to communicate or walk, to using a tripod to get around, going to the toilet unaided and feeling really hopeful about his future.

Crediting the ‘incredible work’ of the rehabilitation teams there, Alan has wanted to ‘give back’ ever since he was discharged from a five-week stay being looked after staff who he calls ‘his angels’.

“When I had my strokes, I had no idea what was going to happen and I was so frightened and scared.

"Coming to Westbrook was like being in a warm and friendly hotel, the people there just can’t do enough for you. The activities like the physio and cognitive exercises really helped my recovery. I felt such a bond with everyone there and it wasn’t like being in hospital.”

Alan wearing a party hat at Westbrook's One Year Anniversary celebrations

At Westbrook's one year anniversary celebrations

Alan and his wife Jan pop in to the unit once a fortnight to chat to patients, and offer hope. They’ve also donated a table and chairs, as well as a job-lot of donuts for their one-year anniversary event – but he wanted to do more.

Joined by his family, he will be whizzing in his wheelchair from Westbrook House to the Mechanical Elephant pub in Margate at 12noon on Saturday, 28 September, to raise funds for the unit.

Alan said: “We will have collecting buckets and encouraging donations on our Just Giving page. You won’t be able to miss us – we will be wearing funny outfits and sparkly wigs!”

Alan would love people to cheer him on, but you can help him raise vital funds on our Westbrook House Just Giving Page.