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Like father, like son

21 July 2022

Robert and Jack CollinsonFather and son Jack and Robert Collison from Broadstairs lost more than two stone between them after talking to weight loss advisers from One You Kent.

Jack, 41, wanted to lose some weight in 2020 to improve his health and fitness due to concerns about his asthma and COVID. He met his adviser Teela Limbu virtually and found their weekly sessions really useful.

Jack said: “I had been trying to lose weight by going to the gym but wasn’t seeing any change. Teela helped me look at my whole lifestyle. The main thing for me was portion size but there were lots of little tweaks we made that all added up to a bigger difference. The benefit is two years on I am still at my lower weight. Even my wife has lost weight without trying just following the same guidance.”
His dad Robert was inspired by his son to do the same. Robert, 78, said, “At my age, it seemed like the sensible thing to do. I’ve lost dear friends and family members sadly from strokes and I wanted to lose a bit of weight to help me stay fit and healthy for as long as possible. I also have some issues with my knees and hips and being a bit lighter helps reduce the pain I get from arthritis.”

Robert spoke to One You Weight Loss Adviser Julie Colver virtually via his laptop in weekly one-to-one appointments. He said: “The appointments with Julie were great. She had really useful tips that we could take up as a family. I still hear her voice in my head when I go to the fridge to take the healthier option. I go for a brisk walk every day in the morning now rather than sit down and watch the news.”
“If I ever do get on the wrong side of a few drinks and a steak and kidney pie, I know I can get back on track. My friends have told me I look and move better now and I really do feel it’s helped my mental wellbeing as well.”