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Healthy eating

Cardiac Healthy eatingHealthy eating is an important part of being healthy and reducing risk of future health problems.

Healthy eating will:

  • Reduce and regulate weight
  • Reduce and regulate cholesterol
  • Reduce and regulate blood pressure
  • Reduce the risk of heart disease or further heart disease
  • Improve and regulate blood glucose levels, reducing the risk of diabetes, or reducing the risk of damage caused by diabetes through tighter blood glucose control
  • Increased energy and concentration levels
  • Reduce the risk of certain cancers.

The Eatwell guide shows how much of what we eat overall should come from each food group to achieve a healthy, balanced diet.

Want to know how to eat more healthily? The BHF Eat Better booklet is a comprehensive guide to help you make healthier food choices to reduce your risk of developing or worsening heart and circulatory diseases. It offers small changes towards a healthy, balanced diet, with simple practical tips for everyday life.