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Cardiac Activity


To reduce your risk of heart disease and circulatory disease, you need to be physically ...
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Cardiac Alcohol


Excess alcohol consumption can lead to health complications such as abnormal heart rhythms, high blood ...
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Cardiac Cholesterol


High cholesterol can increase you risk of heart attack or stroke. You may have been ...
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Cardiac Diabetes


Diabetes can increase the risk of heart disease and increase the risk of heart attack ...
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Cardiac Healthy eating

Healthy eating

Healthy eating is an important part of being healthy and reducing risk of future health ...
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Cardiac Hypertension


High blood pressure (known as hypertension) is one of the most important risk factors for ...
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Cardiac Medication


Following discharge from hospital or seeing your specialist you will have been prescribed medication for ...
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Cardiac Psychological

Psychological wellbeing

Because negative psychological states - particularly stress - can hinder a person's physical recovery, it ...
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Cardiac Smoking


Smoking increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, which includes coronary heart disease and stroke. ...
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