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Welcome to the

Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme

How we can help you

The Cardiac Rehabilitation Service is a, multi-professional team working with a wide range of cardiac patients.

Our aim is to empower people to return to good health, helping them to make lifestyle changes, while maintaining and improving their quality of life.

Secondary prevention medication

Exercise prescription

Post surgery advice

This online programme, will give you access to a comprehensive education programme, giving you the tools to address risk factors, and a structured exercise programme which you will be guided through by the Exercise and lifestyle team.

Who is it for?

Anyone who has or has had:

  • A heart attack
  • Angioplasty or stents
  • Bypass surgery
  • Heart Valve repair or replacement
  • A heart transplant or ventricular assist devices
  • Stable heart failure
  • An implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD), or resynchronisation therapy (CRT) implant
  • Congenital heart disease.

What are the benefits?

  • Reduced risk of re-admission to hospital and further heart events
  • Improved confidence levels
  • A better understanding of your condition
  • Reduced body fat and weight
  • Reduced cholesterol and blood pressure
  • Improved energy and activity levels
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Lengthened life years.

Contact the team

0300 123 1709


Community Cardiac Rehabilitation Service
Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust