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BEAM (digital version)

BEAM is a movement screening and development tool for young children suitable for use in primary schools.

What is BEAM?

When a reception-aged child…

  • isn’t happily running around in the playground
  • is having problems with fine motor skills
  • finds it difficult to get dressed
  • holds back in PE
  • should a therapy referral be made?

The answer is sometimes.
BEAM can enable you to be able to make that decision.

BEAM illustration of character with child and word bubblesBEAM – balance, education and movement – is a fun-to-use schools-based programme developed by qualified physiotherapists in Kent.

The six-week programme is split into three blocks of graded activities, where the emphasis is on achievement and fun. It is easily organised and run by school staff and requires minimal equipment – the majority of what is needed can already be found in schools.

Who can use BEAM?

BEAM is suitable for most children. In Reception Year, BEAM can be used for the whole class in place of PE for six weeks. By following clear instructions, you will quickly become confident at recognising which children will benefit from improving their movement skills.

Please note that if you have a child in your class with a medical condition, you should seek advice from their paediatric physiotherapist. Children with a variety of conditions can successfully benefit from BEAM.

Our BEAM protocol – part of the programme – offers advice on children who do not make the expected progress; the six-week course enables you to identify children who require appropriate therapy advice.

Digital version

The BEAM package includes a step-by-step 76-page guide to the programme, as well as interactive animated Mr BEAM DVD(s) for use with the warm-ups and exercise blocks A to C, as well as the ball skills.

You can access support material, such as progress sheets and certificates for children who take part in the programme.

Contact us

What do people say about BEAM?

The BEAM scheme is worth running, even in a busy schedule because it has a knock-on effect to all other subjects.

What do people say about BEAM?

When a child starts to succeed in the BEAM group, their gross motor
skills improve. It helps their fine motor skills, but mainly their confidence grows.

What do people say about BEAM?

The children get a lot of pleasure from it; it boosts their self-esteem, as well as their physical movements and co-ordination.