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League of Friends

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    Many of our community hospitals are supported by leagues of friends; raising money, helping to provide extras for patients, visitors and sometimes staff, as well as providing volunteers.

    Members of leagues provide varied services including tea trolleys, tea bars, library trolleys, fundraising events, shops in hospitals, befriending, providing transport home from hospital and helping in cafes. Local residents can join the leagues in a supporting role, they do not necessarily have to be a committee member or active volunteer.

    If you would like to find out more about the league for your nearest community hospital please click on the links below. You can join as a committee member, fundraiser or volunteer.

    Find out more about some of them below.

    Friends of Edenbridge Memorial Health Centre

    Chairman: Simon Morrison
    01732 862137

    Faversham League of Friends

    Chairman: Michael Moore
    01795 537861

    Visit the Faversham League of Friends website.

    Friends of Whitstable and Tankerton Hospital and Healthcare

    Visit the Friends of Whitstable and Tankerton Hospital and Healthcare website.

    Sevenoaks Hospital League of Friends

    Chairman: Ian Philip
    01732 470200

    Visit the Sevenoaks Hospital League of Friends website.

    Sheppey Community Hospital League of Friends

    Dawn Sturgeon-Brown
    07886 974221

    Sittingbourne Memorial and Community League of Friends

    Find out more by phoning 01795 418300, ext. 3008, or by writing to League of Friends, Sittingbourne Memorial Hospital, Bell Road, Sittingbourne, Kent ME10 4DT.

    Tonbridge Cottage Hospital League of Friends

    Chairman: David Wells

    Visit the Tonbridge Cottage Hospital League of Friends website.

    Victoria Hospital, Deal League of Friends

    Chairman: Mrs D Thompson

    Visit the Victoria Hospital, Deal League of Friends website.