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    Research and high standards of patient care

    Research projects, recognising potential new ways of working and developing high standards of patient care are an important part of the NHS. We are committed to offering patients in our communities the opportunity to take part in research studies that are appropriate for them. We do this by bringing national trials to our patients. We also work with academic university colleagues to produce research projects initiated by our own clinical staff. Evidence suggests that people who receive care in research active institutions have better health outcomes. The main aims of research are to:

    • improve patient care
    • provide the best advice and treatment for our patients
    • improve the quality of life for people living with illness
    • prevent disease and reduce the number of people who become ill
    • make sure the treatments we give are effective.

    Our clinical research relies on help and support from the people who use our services. If you wish to take part, you may be asked to participate in a research study or clinical trial. It’s up to you whether you want to do this. If you decide not to take part it will not affect your treatment in any way.

    Getting involved in research

    Being a participant in a research study can vary from filling out a simple questionnaire to trialling new treatments, depending on the study. You will be given plenty of time and information to help you decide if you want to be involved and you can leave a study at any point, without giving reason.

    Watch Pat Conneely, patient rep for research, talk about his involvement.

    Watch Stephen Grice, Head of Sexual Health Services, talking about the service’s participation in the HipVac trial a portfolio study on genital warts.

    What are the benefits?

    Taking part in research may benefit you and others in some of the following ways:

    • by giving you earlier access to new treatments, interventions and medicines
    • your treatment and progress may be monitored more closely with more frequent and longer appointments, meaning problems or changes can be picked up and acted on more quickly
    • the opportunities to learn more about your medical condition may help you to manage it better
    • you would be helping to identify and try more effective medical treatments for yourself and others
    • you would be helping the NHS provide people with the best possible standard of care.

    As a Trust we work with patients to understand which areas need researching further and those that would benefit from a newer and more innovative way of working. If you are interested in a research study in a particular area of health or social care, then please do let us know. Alternatively, have a look at the list of studies we are recruiting people to at the moment. If you are interested in being a potential participant or would like to understand more, please give us a call. You can talk to a clinical or research nurse, in the strictest confidence.

    What is health research?

    For anyone who is interested in finding out more about health research, FutureLearn have created a free, online course looking at ways people can get involved in research and the benefits that research brings to healthcare. The course can be found at and is available to everybody.

    Research studies you may be interested in joining

    At the moment, we have the following studies running that are looking for volunteers:

    Recent studies

    We have recently carried out these research projects:

    Publications resulting from studies KCHFT has been involved in

    Research in our communities week (June 2024)

    Research in our communities week was a partnership event between Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust (SCFT), Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust (KCHFT) and Medway Community Healthcare (MCH) from 10 to 14 June 2024.

    Watch the recordings from the week.

    Research in our Communities Week - Health Across the Ages (YouTube)

    • Population Health Management
    • 0-5 Public Health Evaluation Study
    • Investigating the determinants of multiple admission to acute
    • hospital wards for older people living with dementia.

    Research in our Communities Week - Public Health (YouTube)

    • Overview of NIHR Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC) Medway
    • Kent Family Partnership Programme (Implementation/Service Evaluation)
    • Exploring the views of foster parents regarding oral health of looked after children.

    Research in our Communities Week - Workshops (YouTube)

    • Research project? Think Libraries!
    • Breaking barriers: accessibility in Research
    • The journey to improvement - what do you need to know?

    Research in our Communities Week - Rural and Coastal (YouTube)

    • Equity in healthcare research
    • Chris Whitty’s report - coastal communities.

    Research in our Communities Week - Local Improvement Projects (YouTube)

    • Eight short abstract presentations.