The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 recognises that, as a member of the public, you have the right to know how public services, such as the NHS, make their operational decisions and how public money is used. It gives anyone a general right to request access to see official information held by public authorities, such as Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust.
Ipsos Mori carried out research on behalf of the Ministry of Justice in 2012 that found the mean cost of fulfilling an FOI was £184 – Updated to 2024 staff costs, that’s £234 per request. If an FOI request was sent to all 215 UK trusts, it would cost the NHS £50,310. We publish a lot of information in our publication scheme so please check there first before submitting a freedom of information request.
When you make a Freedom of Information request Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust will process your information in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation. The trust will use your data in order to respond to your FOI request as we have a legal duty to do so under Article 6(1)(c) of GDPR. For further information please see our Privacy page on the website.
Re-use of information
Any information we provide following your request under the Freedom of Information Act will not confer an automatic right for you to re-use that information, for example, to
If you wish to re-use the information that we provide and you do not specify this in your initial application for information then you must make a further request for its re‑use as
FOI requests
Data Protection Impact Assessments
Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) are an approach to projects that promotes privacy and data protection compliance from the start. NHS guidance and best practice indicates that a data protection impact assessment is completed for projects to help identify and minimise any data protection risks. It is also a legal requirement under the General Data Protection Regulation to conduct an impact assessment for any high risk projects relating to data protection.
FOI disclosure log
The information provided within these responses is correct as at the date of disclosure and continues to be protected by copyright. You are free to use it for your own purposes, including for private study and non-commercial research, and for any other purpose authorised by an exception in current copyright law.
If you wish to use this information for commercial purposes then, in accordance with the Regulations on the Re-use of Public Sector Information 2015, you must first ask our permission. Such re-use may or may not involve the granting of a licence and the application of a fee.
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FOIs per month
To view older FOI responses, please use the site search at the top of the page and search for the topic you are interested in, for example car parking or temporary staff.