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Published: 26 September 2024

KCHFT colleagues join prestigious cohort of Queen's Nurses

Becca James, Senior Specialist Nurse and Amie Stocks, Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (SCPHN) Health Visitor, are the latest colleagues to gain esteemed recognition as Queen’s Nurses.

The title, appointed by the Queen’s Nursing Institute, is recognition of a nurse’s commitment to ongoing learning, leadership and excellence in healthcare.

Selfie of Becca JamesBecca James said: “This is something I have always hoped to achieve. Improving patient care and experience has always been at the forefront of what I do and drives me to learn. I love networking and meeting new people; people who can share and teach me something new. I had to get to a certain point in my career to be able to apply and this year I thought I would give it a go, but I never thought I would get it. Becoming a Queen’s Nurse has trumped everything else I have achieved. I am so happy.”

Headshot of Amie StocksAmie Stocks said: “To be given the title of Queen’s Nurse is a true honour and the benefits mean so much to me and my nursing career and future. The title greatly reinforces and recognises the care, compassion and commitment that I show to my families and colleagues as a SCPHN health visitor and children’s safeguarding advisor. I hope to continue my research and studies around female genital mutilation and cutting (FGM/C), which the Queen’s nursing network will benefit from greatly.”

Caroline Bates, KCHFT's Chief Nursing Officer, said: “Congratulations to Becca and Amie for being honoured with the prestigious Queen’s Nurse title. This is a huge achievement through which they have had to evidence their commitment and dedication to community nursing. We are incredibly proud of them.”

The new Queen’s Nurses will receive their badges and certificates at the QNI’s awards ceremony in November.