What happens when you make a referral to Kent School Health
Last edited: 17/05/2024
We’ll arrange a 30 to 40-minute call to discuss:
- your concerns about your child’s health and wellbeing
- the reason for this referral
- what’s the current issue and how long has it been going on for
- what’s the impact on your child/young person and your family
- what has been tried already
- your family history as that may have an impact on the support offered
- any other professionals already supporting you.
After the call, we will agree an interim plan with you and your child / young person that will include one of the following:
- Recommend another service that can best support your child’s needs.
- Offer you up to six sessions over a 12 week period with the Kent School Health Team.
- Give some advice and support and discharge you from the service.
You can make another referral or contact us in the future if you feel things are not getting any better or you need more support.
Contact us
If you have any concerns, you don’t need to wait for us to visit your child’s school, you can contact us at any time. You can also use our services if your child is not attending school.
Phone 0300 123 5205 and select option two.
Parents/carers can complete an online referral form. You will receive a confirmation email that your referral has been submitted. If you don't get an email within a few minutes, check your junk folder in case it has gone there or call 0300 123 5205 and select option two to speak to a member of the team.
Young people aged 11 to 19 can text ChatHealth to have direct access to a nurse (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm) on 07520 618850. This service is confidential and anonymous.
You can find lots of helpful information to support your child's development, and keep them healthy and safe in our Kent Child and Kent Teen sections of the Kent Family website. Check out young people's websites HealthforTeens and Moodspark.
This information should only be followed on the advice of a healthcare professional.
Do you have feedback about our health services?
0800 030 4550
Text 07899 903499
Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
Trinity House, 110-120 Upper Pemberton
TN25 4AZ
Donate today, and help the NHS go above and beyond. Visit kentcht.nhs.uk/icare
If you need communication support or this information in another format, please ask a member of staff or contact us using the details above.
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