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Published: 8 March 2024

Kim goes smokefree with a vape and One You Kent support

Kim with her two dogsKim Wallis, a retired care worker from Dover, quit smoking with the help of a vape and support from One You Kent, a year after losing her beloved husband, David, to cancer.

Kim, a grandmother-of-six from Dover, was spending £60-a-week smoking when she had an invite from her GP to have a lung health check.

The lung check programme is run by East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, funded by the Kent and Medway Cancer Alliance, for current or ex-smokers aged 55 to 75 in Dover. So far the programme has scanned over 1,000 people and identified eleven people who needed further investigations and treatment for lung and other cancers. Kent is the first pilot site nationally to offer patients support to quit smoking as part of the lung check.

Luckily Kim got the all-clear from her check and was referred for support to quit smoking for good. After smoking for more than 50 years and trying to quit many times, Kim thought: “It won’t hurt to give it a go one more time.”

Kim had support from Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust’s Smokefree Adviser, Helen Burt.

Kim said: “Helen was lovely and it really helped she could visit me at home. I struggle with some health problems and don’t drive so it can be difficult for me to get to appointments. We talked about what might suit me and what I’d tried before to quit. The vape and nicotine lozenges alongside her support got me through.”

Adviser Helen said: “Kim has done so well, I’m so proud of her. She cared for her husband at home after he was diagnosed with cancer and passed away at home on Christmas Eve. She quit a year on from his death, which must have been such a difficult time for her.”

Kim has found walking her two dachshunds, Gordan and Gus, a little easier since quitting and is saving money each week that she can put towards other essentials.

Quitting smoking is one of the most important things you can do not just for your own health, but also for your family. You can quit smoking this No Smoking Day – Wednesday 13 March.

One You Kent advisers are there for you every step of the way. You get free weekly support from a specialist adviser and nicotine replacement products to help you manage your cravings.

Phone 0300 123 1220 or email or visit One You Kent for more information.