The Flete Clinic
The Flete Clinic, QEQM Hospital, 164 Ramsgate Rd, Margate CT9 4BF
Our services at this location:
The clinic can be found on the opposite side of the car park to the A&E entrance (away from the main building and still on the grounds of QEQM).
All sexual health clinic appointments must be booked. Phone 0300 123 1678 to make an appointment. No walk-in clinics are available at this time.
Monday: 8.30am to 7pm
Tuesday: 8.30am to 7pm
Wednesday: 8.30am to 7pm
Thursday: 1 to 7pm
Friday: 8.30am to 3pm
Clinic times may change.
Please note there may be other services at this location, including services not provided by KCHFT.