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Published: 31 January 2024

Could you be a public governor?

If you feel passionately about your local NHS and want to be part of shaping our future, a public governor role could be for you.

At KCHFT, we are committed to providing care which is compassionate, aspirational, responsive and excellent. If you share our values and want to represent the views of people in your area who use our services, now is the time to stand for election.

We have five public governor vacancies for roles in Dartford, Sevenoaks, Thanet, Tunbridge Wells and the rest of England (areas outside of Kent where we deliver services, such as East Sussex, London and Medway).

As a governor, you will sit on our Council of Governors and have the opportunity to work with us to improve the care we provide. You will be the voice of the people you represent and play a role in holding our board of directors to account on behalf of the public. You must live in the area you wish to represent.

Want to find out more?

If you are interested in joining as a member or standing for election, contact our Governor Support Team on 07468 700220 or You can also watch the video below from Lead Governor Carol Coleman talking about her experiences as a governor for KCHFT during the past eight years:

You do not need extensive experience or knowledge of the NHS to become a governor, just a strong drive to help others and a willingness to help with future service developments. Your responsibilities and how much time you spend engaging with your constituents will be up to you, however you will be expected to attend four meetings per year.

Each public governor represents one of the 12 local authority areas in Kent, plus one governor to represent the rest of England. Learn more about our public governors and the important part they play in their communities.

Nominations are open from Wednesday, 31 January to Wednesday, 28 February.

Find out more about our governor elections (including a link to the nomination form).

Elections are open to anyone aged 16 or over and no matter what your background, anyone can stand for election. If you are interested in standing for election, you must become a member first.

Once you become a member you will be sent information about how to stand for election as a governor. By becoming a member, you will also get access to NHS discounts in high street stores, restaurants and attractions through a Blue Light Card.