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Published: 3 January 2024

Take some time to focus on YOU in 2024

OYK Debbie Dixon and partner SubanDebbie Dixon had struggled with her weight since childhood, trying just about every diet going. Finally, at 60-years-old, Debbie met our One You Kent Team, which has helped her make lifestyle changes.

As a mental health professional, Debbie Dixon spends her days supporting others to make positive changes, but was finding it hard to do that for herself.

Debbie, from Gravesend, said: “As you get older, your body starts to let you know it’s not happy carrying extra weight, with achy knees and joints. I’ve got four children and eight grandchildren and want to make sure I’m fit and healthy for them as long as I can be.”

Debbie was referred to One You Kent’s Lifestyle Adviser Sarah Davies and started one-to-one support over the phone.

Together they looked at some of the reasons Debbie was struggling and solutions that might help.

Debbie said: “Sarah really listened to me. She worked hard to get to know me and what makes me tick. I’m stubborn but my excuses didn’t work on her, she would ask me what I could do that would work and helped me set some goals.

“She helped me see it’s ok to do more things for myself. I’ve got an indoor water feature now which helps me relax and we’ve booked a trip to Jamaica in January to visit my family there. We looked at ways I could manage things like snacking, I have a healthy grazing box now ready for the day to dip into.”

Sarah said: “We focused on small things that Debbie could do to improve her wellbeing, help her feel more confident and in control of her life. She’s a very busy lady helping lots of other people and we looked at ways she could prioritise herself a bit more and reward herself when she met her goals.

“This is not a programme to just lose weight, but a way to start making those changes that ultimately will help people feel healthier. She did an amazing job and was a pleasure to work with.”

And Debbie couldn’t be happier. She said: “For the first time in my life, I’m making real, sustainable changes. I look, feel and think better because of Sarah and I cannot thank her enough.”

It's hard to make lifestyle changes. Those post-Christmas fad diets and boom-or-bust gym workouts are difficult to keep up.

One You Kent is here to help with the little things you can do to improve your wellbeing so you feel more confident and in control of your life.