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We recognise that to continue to deliver healthcare of the highest quality in the communities we serve, we need to act now.

Bold visions for healthier planet and community graphicThrough our bold visions for a healthier planet and community strategy, we set out our key goals and enabling actions that improve health outcomes and improve service efficiency while protecting the planet we share.

We need to act now.

Our themes

Consistent with our goals and values and the national vision set out by the Greener NHS, we have targeted ten themes for further assessment to structure our actions and support a holistic approach to sustainability across the trust. Each year, we will develop new targets associated with these themes which will guide the work of the Sustainability Team. For more information on these, please see our sustainability strategy and our latest annual summary.

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    Workforce and leadership

    Our first theme underpins all the other workstreams. We recognise it is only through the support, action and buying from colleagues that we can achieve our ambitious objectives. Integral to all workstreams is engagement and inclusion at all possible points.

    First sustainability strategy

    Launch of the trust’s first sustainability strategy: Bold visions for a healthier planet and community (2021-24).

    Training delivered virtually

    93% of training now delivered virtually.

    Financing opportunities

    Improved short-term financing opportunities introduced for colleagues as an alternative to pay-day loans.

    Global Green group

    Member of the Global Green and Healthy Hospitals group.

    Emissions assessment

    Comprehensive emissions assessment undertaken using the trust-led NHS Emissions Quantification Recipe Book.

    Net Zero Innovation

    The NHS Emissions Quantification Recipe Book a Highly Commended finalist in the Net Zero Innovation of the Year 2023 category of the Innovation Awards.

    Sustainable models of care

    We recognise that our models of care will need to transform to enable us to providing healthcare of the highest quality today and tomorrow.

    Solar-powered bus

    The trust’s Public Health Outreach bus converted to become solar-powered as part the national Greener NHS Healthy Futures Action Fund.

    Finalist for Greener Allied Health Professionals Award

    Clinical Lead Occupational Therapist, Shirley Rashid, finalist for Greener Allied Health Professionals Award 2023.

    Sustainability Initiative Award

    The Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics Team win the Sustainability Initiative Award in the Clinical Nutrition Magazine Awards 2023.

    Digital transformation

    We understand that harnessing new technologies can help us to work more effectively and use resources wisely.

    Reduction in printing

    40% reduction in printing through the trust’s ‘digital by default’ initiative.

    Travel and transport

    Business travel is understood to be the largest single contributor to the trust’s carbon footprint, with more than nine million miles recorded in 2019/20.

    Net Zero Innovation

    The Context of Vehicle Emissions tool a finalist in the Net Zero Innovation of the Year 2022 category of the Innovation Awards.

    Greener NHS ModeShift programme

    The Context of Vehicle Emission tool selected as an Exemplar Project for the Greener NHS ModeShift programme.

    Cycle-to-Work champion

    A trust Cycle-to-Work champion established.

    Kent Connected journey planner

    Visitors to trust sites supported to consider alternative options for travel through embedding of Kent County Council’s Kent Connected service on appropriate public-facing webpages. 

    Active travel facilities

    New functionality added to the intranet to enable colleagues to request new active travel facilities at trust sites.

    Estates and facilities

    We will be forward-thinking and pioneering in proving sustainable indoor environments, which meet the needs of our colleagues and communities.

    Renewable Energy Guarantees

    Purchasing electricity backed by Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin since 2020/21.

    Heat Decarbonisation Plans

    Successfully awarded government funding to complete the development of Heat Decarbonisation Plans across ten trust sites.

    BREEAM excellent standard

    New Edenbridge Memorial Health Centre built to BREEAM excellent standard.


    We are eager to understand and reduce the negative environmental impacts of the medicines and medical devices we use.

    Calculate emissions

    New processes in place to calculate emissions associated with use of anaesthetic gasses at trust sites.

    Medical Gasses Committee formed

    Medical Gasses Committee formed to ensure oversight around management of environmentally damaging gasses.

    Supply chain and procurement

    We recognise the carbon emissions arising through our procurement actions and related supply chain are likely to be high, in line with other comparable trusts.

    More sustainable paper

    New tool deployed to support colleagues with changing their usual paper ordering to a more sustainably, recycled-source alternative.

    Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA)

    The trust’s Finance Team win the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) Kent, Surrey and Sussex Branch Awards' Commitment to Environmental Sustainability Award 2023 for integrating a foot printing estimation into purchasing accounts.

    Food and nutrition

    We understand that eating better can help us feel better and that our choices can improve the quality and reduce the negative environmental impacts of the food we prepare and serve.

    Queen’s Nursing Institute Elsie Wagg Scholarship grant

    The Hawkhurst Food for Thought and Reminiscence Garden selected as a recipient of the Queen’s Nursing Institute Elsie Wagg Scholarship grant (2022).

    New Food and Drink Strategy

    Launch of a new trust Food and Drink Strategy (2023-28) which emphasises the importance of sustainable procurement of food, drink and catering services.

    BBC Food and Farming Awards

    Sarah Agyemang, Head Chef at Hawkhurst Community Hospital and lead of the Hawkhurst Food for Thought and Reminiscence Garden, a finalist in the Community Food Champion category of the BBC Food and Farming Awards 2023.


    The climate is already shifting as a result of anthropogenic emissions. We understand that we will need to mitigate the effects and risks to the trust from more frequent extreme weather events and higher average temperatures.

    Flooding and air pollution

    Modelled risk to trust sites of flooding and air pollution as part of establishing evidence-based decision making processes.

    Wildlife and biodiversity

    We want our indoor and outdoor spaces to exemplify how nature can be included to promote the health and wellbeing of our staff, patients, clients and service users while contributing to the health and wellbeing of the natural ecosystems that surround us.

    Kent Wildlife Trust

    The trust’s iCare charity supports collaboration with Kent Wildlife Trust to undertake biodiversity surveys across five community hospital sites.

    Peaceful space for patients at Deal

    Sue Turner, Liz Lellow and Kerry Lee lead the transformation of garden space at Victoria Hospital in Deal to create a peaceful space for patients and colleagues.

    Rejuvenated garden at Edenbridge

    Volunteers from Hever Castle rejuvenate the garden at Edenbridge and District War Memorial Hospital in 2021.

    Transformation of the garden at Sevenoaks

    Gemma Burgess leads the transformation of the garden at Sevenoaks Hospital in memory of colleague Susan Hamilton-Rigby.