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What we spend and how we spend it

Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust submits its statutory accounts to the Department of Health and these are made available in its Annual Report once audited. The Trust has a duty to publish its Annual Governance Statement which describes the assurances that internal control systems operate effectively highlighting any significant issues.

Spending over £25,000

The wider Government agenda on transparency aims to enable the public to hold public bodies and politicians to account. The requirement, in relation to procurement transparency, is to ensure that there is transparency about how public money is being spent.

We are now publishing details of total spend by supplier each month and taking the required preparatory steps to publish line-level pricing information in the future.  This report will be in addition to the report on over £25,000 spend that is currently published.

Financial transactions spending over £25,000

Payments over £25,000 for 2024/25

Payments over £25,000 for 2023/24

Payments over £25,000 for 2022/23

Spend over 25k for 2021/22

Spend over 25k for 2020/21