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Pharmacy Team

We are responsible for supporting and ensuring the safe and effective use of medicines across the trust.

Contact the team

0300 123 9462

Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm

Who we are

The following teams sit under Medicines Management:

Adult Services

The Medicines Management Adult Services team supports medicines optimisation in community hospitals, out-patient clinics, minor injury units and patient’s homes in order to improve outcomes, prevent disease development and reduce medicines waste.

The team helps to protect patients against the risks associated with the unsafe use and management of medicines by supporting their obtaining, recording, handling, using, safe keeping, dispensing, safe administration and disposal.

Children and Young People

The Children and Young Persons (CYP) team works in collaboration with Local Authorities, particularly social care and education, to support and deliver a range of services aimed at maximising the independence and future wellbeing of those children and families who are most vulnerable in the community.

The team provides pharmaceutical support and advice to staff working in both CYP and Community Dental services, including risk assessments, stock reviews and regular audits.

Integrated Pharmacy Team (IPT)

0330 123 9462

The Integrated Pharmacy Team aims to enable patients who have been identified as having difficulty managing their medicines to:

  • improve health outcomes
  • take medication safely and effectively (improving concordance)
  • reduce potential harm from medication.

The team works within the east Kent health and care partnership area; as this is a new service it will be rolled out in stages across the locality. The team will be taking their referrals primarily from the east Kent multi-disciplinary teams hubs. Our health professionals working in these localities may ring the IPT direct to discuss patients.

The referrals we accept within the hub are for patients who are frail, complex or at high risk of medication related harm. For example, patients using high risk medicines, have a high medication burden, those experiencing falls, suspected difficulties with medication adherence or a history of frequent admissions. We may also include patients who require home visits which are not provided by any other Pharmacy team in the area.

Medicines Information and Education

The Medicines Information and Education team provides:

  • A single point of contact for accurate, up-to-date and well-researched medicines information for KCHFT staff and community patients.
  • An enquiry answering service which supplies professional advice to support and influence clinical decisions with respect to patient care
  • Targeted training which has been designed to improve knowledge and skills

The team utilise a comprehensive range of medical databases and peer-reviewed texts in order to provide support to healthcare professionals within the Trust. This support is delivered by in-depth responses to individual enquiries and by the creation of training packages designed to increase awareness of medicines management issues.

Quality and Governance

The Quality and Governance team are responsible for a wide range of pharmacy services, including management of Controlled Drugs (CDs), governance of prescribers, supply contract monitoring, prescription security and management of the SafeMed medicines incident system.

The service assists the Controlled Drugs Accountable Officer in ensuring that all CDs are ordered, stored, administered and disposed of according to the Trust’s CD Policy, as well as supplying KCHFT wards and services with sundry items and prescription stationary.

Sexual Health

The Sexual Health team aims to provide support to the growing local needs of the Genitourinary Medicine (GUM), Contraception, HIV and TB Services ensuring the clinical, cost-effective and safe use of medicines in relation to treatments used in these specialties.

The team:

  • Works alongside other health-care professionals to ensure patients with specialised pharmaceutical needs are appropriately managed
  • Provides HIV medication review and adherence clinics to support patients with often complex and difficult regimens
  • Promotes the safe and effective use of HIV medication
  • Manages and co-ordinates the HIV homecare delivery service
  • Governs policies, SOPs, guidelines, audits, alerts, recalls and incidents
  • Provides staff training and regular medicines updates.

Your comments

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June 2024

Clinicians were very compassionate, caring and understood what the patient's needs were and dealt with things sensitively. The clinicians helped her with medications and they were fantastic.

April 2024

Clinicians were very friendly and helped the with medication.

February 2024

Clinicians were helpful and explained how to use the alarmed dossette box. Clinicians were also flexible with when they visited.

May 2023
Canterbury & Coastal

Clinician was very friendly, knowledgeable and sympathetic. It was very good.

May 2023
Canterbury & Coastal

Clinicians were interested in the patient's needs and interested in what they could do to help.

May 2023
Canterbury & Coastal

Clinicians were informative, helpful and very friendly.

April 2023
Canterbury & Coastal

Experience with the team cannot be any better. Happy with how life has changed for the better.

April 2023

Clinicians were polite, careful and everything you should expect.

April 2023

Clinician explained things well and described things clearly.

March 2023
Canterbury & Coastal

Clinicians were professional, treated everyone with kindness and care and showed huge consideration.

March 2023
Canterbury & Coastal

Clinicians were very clear, lovely people to deal with, empathetic and thorough.

April 2022

Karen and Jane were two fantastic ladies. They have made such a difference to my life. So caring and helpful.

April 2022

I cannot thank Karen and Jane enough for their prompt and kind response for my mother.

April 2022

Lovely pair of ladies, so helpful. Listened to our problems, so knowledgeable, so grateful for their help.

March 2022

Considerate ladies and understood them and all fine.

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