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Community Children’s Epilepsy Nursing Team

Helping children and young people manage epilepsy safely. East Kent only.

Contact us

0300 123 1553

Who we are

We help children and young people manage their epilepsy by providing education and support and by working with their families. We see children and young people at home, school, college, clinic, hospital or work.

We only see children in East Kent.

What we do

We give advice on how to give emergency medication where prescribed. We also work with other health professionals and agencies to ensure the best outcomes for children with this condition.

How do you use this service?

You can get in touch using the information here or you can be referred by a GP or healthcare professional.

Your comments

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February 2024

Staff member was really great in supporting me and my child following diagnosis and signposting us.

June 2022

Once again Sarah Thank you so very much for all your help and advice and for just being there, it’s so great to have such excellent support.

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