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KAT1E: Kent Adult Type 1 Education

Published: 21/12/2021
Last edited: 19/12/2022
Code: 01036

Information about our education programme for adults with type 1 diabetes.

What is KAT1E?

KAT1E is a local educational course about living with type 1 diabetes. It helps you develop key skills and self-manage to suit your lifestyle choices.

How long is a KAT1E course?

KAT1E is a four-day course, held for one-day a week over four weeks.

You may need to take time off work or organise childcare to attend the course. Most employers understand and we can provide a letter to support your attendance, if needed.

How many people are on the KAT1E course?

Up to 10 people are invited to attend the course, which is in a relaxed and informal group setting. This allows time to share and listen to other people’s experiences of living with type 1 diabetes. A diabetes specialist nurse and diabetes specialist dietitian are present to support the course.

What will the sessions cover?

  • Living with diabetes: Injection technique, all about insulins, blood glucose and ketone monitoring.
  • Carbohydrate counting: Learn how to estimate the carbohydrate content of your meals and snacks.
  • Adjusting insulin doses: Learn how to adjust your insulin with your meals, for physical activity and during illness.
  • Hypoglycaemia: Recommended treatment and driving guidelines.
  • Long-term health: How to develop effective relationships with healthcare professionals.
  • Social aspects: Pregnancy, travel and driving.
  • Your questions and answers.

The benefits of attending a KAT1E course may include:

  • reduction in hypos
  • potential for weight loss
  • increased confidence in diabetes self-management
  • improved wellbeing.

What is structured education?

Structured education is seen as part of routine diabetes care. The Government recommends that everyone with type 1 diabetes should have access to this type of education through the NHS.

Diabetes UK, the charity for people with diabetes, also recommends that all people with type 1 diabetes should receive the education and support they need to help manage their own diabetes on a day-to-day basis.

What other people said…

  • “I really enjoyed the course and would recommend to anyone with type 1 diabetes.”
  • “It was great to have the group discussions and hear how other people deal with their diabetes.”
  • “I now have a better understanding, knowledge and the tools I need to manage my diabetes.”

How do I get a place on a KAT1E course?

All referrals and booking are now managed via the Kent and Medway diabetes booking hub. You can self refer for this course, to register and book a course please visit or contact the hub on 01233 228749 or

Useful contacts

Diabetes UK

Expert Patients Programme

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